Aqua Arabia

Aquaculture Solutions Provider


Aquaculture is raising, breeding, and harvesting fish, aquatic plants and shellfish. In short, it is more like farming in water but in a controlled environment like lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. It mainly serves different purposes, including restoration of endangered or threatened species, food production, wild stock population enhancement, habitat restoration and building fish cultures and aquariums. Aqua Arabia is the aquaculture solution provider that helps clients determine the ideal size of their farm according to the type of species they will culture in it. During this phase, we take care of other parameters, too, like access to capital, availability of water, and marketing and sales goals of the project. At Aqua Arabia, we design and build new fish farms for different purposes like fishing, growing out and conditioning brood stock.

Our team of experts work on sustainable aquaculture programs by improving the financial performance of the client’s business. Our winning strategies help our clients select the right species so that they can overtake and replace the native species or develop a hybrid with them. For better aquaculture results, the selection of good farms is important. Even if you already have fish farms, we are ready to supply products and services to ensure the maximum return.

Design And Build A New Fish Farm

There are endless ways of designing and developing a new fish farm, so instead of recommending the design that is working well and efficiently to others, our professionals analyze the potential of the site you have selected for the fish farming then come up with the farm design plan, keeping the detailed survey and target production strategy in mind.

Provide Services And Development For Existing Fish Farms

At Aqua Arabia, we have an experienced team of experts who work on sustainable aquaculture programs. With the help of these professionals, clients can provide good products and supplies that are essential for redesigning the fish farm. We have a wide product catalogue including 20 products including all equipment required in the fish farm.