Aqua Arabia

Filtration Systems

Filtration Systems

In Aqua Arabia we can provide filtration solution for each water treatment application . We offer

Sand Filter filtration system: Sand filtration is frequently used and very robust method to remove suspended solids from water. The filtration medium consists of a multiple layer of sand with a variety in size and specific gravity. Sand filters can be supplied in different sizes and materials both hand operated or fully automatically.

Disc Filter: This disk filter will have a significant application especially in retrofit applications, in which there are high demands to increase the filtering capacity in existing spaces with limited spatial possibilities. Along with the design improvement, it brings a new level of filtration.

Ultrafiltration UF: Ultrafiltration (UF) is a membrane filtration process similar to Reverse Osmosis, using hydrostatic pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane element.

UF is a barrier to suspended solids, bacteria, viruses, endotoxins, and other pathogens to produce water with very high purity and low SDI.

Application Of Our Filtration System

Nozzle protection: – Filtration plays a vital role in the wastewater treatment process by safeguarding the nozzle used in the sludge dewatering stage. With the help of our efficient filtration solution, the nozzle will keep on running smoothly and steadily, without being involved the risk of erosion and blockage. Thus the lifespan of the entire system increases. Best solution is to install Disc filter or self cleaning screen filter.

Tertiary Treatment: –  This is a stage in the wastewater cleaning process, where according to the international rules and regulations is utilized to monitor how much wastewater is recycled, reused or release back into the environment. Best solution for this application is the sand filter or the disc filter

Service water: – Water is used in various industries for different purposes. Therefore the use of filtered wastewater has come up with a strong alternative to expensive drinking water. Our efficient range of filtering solutions reduce turbidity and TSS level and ensure effective and stable processes. Sand filter and contentious backwash filter can be a good solution for this application

RO/NF/UF protection:- Fine filtration is required for the pre-treatment process to prevent physical damage or clogging of the system. It will significantly reduce the speed of biofilm formation. Due to the inclusion of our fine membrane in wastewater treatment, there is no need for chemicals. It also saves the cost of energy and membrane replacement required in the process.

Vision Aqua Arabia behind offering filtering solutions

Wastewater can be handled and defined in various ways, depending on the use and source. The ideal filtration system of Aqua Arabia is designed to support the Saudi Vision 2030. Where with the help of our solutions we are developing a vibrant society where reuse of the wastewater in the production of companies is possible, resulting in thriving economies and an ambitious nation.