Aqua Arabia

Non-Thermal ZLD

Non-Thermal ZLD​

The rising demand for water and depleting clean water resources have brought wastewater and desalination technologies to the forefront. Therefore, for sustainable water management,

Thanks for our partner Aquafortus Technologies Limited to integrate this technology , non-thermal recovery and crystallization technology uses only a fraction of the energy of thermal evaporation system. It can reduce high salinity wastewater to dry salt and achieving a full Zero Liquid Discharge solution .

Aquafortus develops and holds multiple patents on non-thermal, continuous and regenerable ZLD technology. The Aquafortus ABXTM system is a novel liquid-to-liquid crystallizer that promotes the formation of salt crystals via a proprietary direct contact crystallization process using Aquafortus’ patented solutions. The ABXTM system efficiently reduces high TDS brines to salt and produces only clean water.

The Aquafortus ABXTM system works by a two-stage solvent exchange process with the patented “Absorbent” acting as a transfer medium for water. When wastewater brine contacts the absorbent, salts from the wastewater brine instantly crystallize. The “Regenerant” then regenerates the absorbent for continuous reuse in the system.

The Aquafortus ABXTM system will dramatically impact the economics of zero liquid discharge and promote its wider adoption. If you would like to know more about our technology, please contact us .

How does Non-thermal ZLD contribute to the Saudi 2030 vision?

Non-thermal ZLD has shown promising results in treating the effluent through diverse techniques/methods, consisting of environment-based systems for recycling and restoring the water. Some important components of this factor include: –

  • Environmental regulations/Balancing
  • Water Shortage
  • Water economics

Advantages of Non-Thermal ZLD systems: –

  • The wastewater discharge can be prevented, through the means of recycling
  • Non-Thermal ZLD system help in improving the environmental performance and regulating danger profile.
  • Quick recovery of salt and water that supports reducing the cost of ZLD.
  • Non-Thermal ZLD openly promotes sustainability of the surroundings and enterprise at large.
  • Through this process, water consumption can be reduced by a significant number so that it can perform different functions like irrigation in agriculture and Industrial
  • It helps in achieving better surroundings.


At Aqua Arabia, we offer complete non-thermal ZLD services to our clients and handles hard-to-treat brine wastewater from entering the phase of fabrication to installation; in short, we do everything to satisfy the need of our clients. Our non-thermal ZLD plant is quite easy to handle. We use modern tools and technology to achieve desired results.