Aqua Arabia

Operation And Maintenance O&M

Operation & Maintenance Services (O&M)

As the demand for water and sanitation are increasing, the public authorities are now looking for solutions that minimize their operational cost. By containing their costs in this way, they are able to provide their people with quality drinking water and discharge treated wastewater back into the natural environment or reuse it for other purposes. These goals are to be met while keeping energy consumption to a minimum and protecting the environment in accordance with health and environment safety standards.
Aqua Arabia has developed its organization and systems to meet these required expectations of the client by a fool proof design, and a competent and qualified team in place at all its installations. Currently, Aqua Arabia is in charge of O&M for more than 10 plants in major cities in Saudi Arabia. Aqua Arabia has the expertise to operate:

As part of the operation and maintenance contracts, we undertake, among other elements:

The principal features of our O&M activities are: