Aqua Arabia

Reverse Osmosis Systems (RO)

Reverse Osmosis Systems (RO)

Reverse Osmosis is an effective water filtration method of the time. RO create great tasting and clean water for the use of drinking. RO system is used in different applications, including filtration of the whole water supply of the house, aquariums, faucets and restaurants. So no matter what type of water you want to start your day with, there should be one Reverse Osmosis system that will meet your requirement.


Before moving into the detail, it is essential to learn what Reverse Osmosis System is and how it works.


Reverse Osmosis removes contaminants from the feed or unfiltered water when the pressure of the water supply forces it to enter through the semi-permeable membrane. The water flows from the more contaminated side of the RO membrane to the less concentrated side to offer you a clean supply of water. The freshwater produced in this process is known as permeate. And the concentration of the water that is continuously dripped out of the system is known as brine or waste.

The RO system comprises a semi-permeable membrane that has small pores that block the elements mixed in the water and allow only the water molecules to pass through it. In the process of Osmosis, the output is more concentrate form as it passes from one membrane to another to attain equilibrium on both sides. On the other hand, Reverse Osmosis blocks the contaminants from entering the less concentrated side of the membrane. For instance, when pressure is applied to the volume of the saltwater during the reverse osmosis process, only clean water pass through the system and salt is left behind.

95% of the water present on the Earth is salty; therefore, many regions of the world face scarcity of fresh water. At Aqua Arabia, we aim to remove brackish or salt water, to make it the best choice for industrial, agriculture or drinking use. This process is known as desalting or desalination of the water, and the output is potable water. There are different methods with which minimization of the salinity level of water can be achieved, but Reverse Osmosis is the most advanced and extensive desalination system in the world. In the RO process, we apply pressure to the high saline water and force it to pass through the semi-permeable membrane, whose function is to provide passage to the water not to the dilutes. The water is passed to the membrane from the edge where the salt concentration is higher, to the edge where the concentration is lower. The output of the system is the concentrated solution that is minimized in the salt flavour.

Indeed at Aqua Arabia, we have developed a system that possesses less risk and includes fewer chemicals in comparison to the traditional water treatment method. We use modern membrane technology used in RO, don’t require any chemicals, it uses high-pressure water and electricity. Our RO system requires quite less maintenance; they are self-contained and self-cleaning units. The wastewater we treat at our site can be disposed of safely so that it can be recycled and reused in the production phase. It saves money and storage space.


RO is effective, especially when it comes to the treatment and management of wastewater. Every company face different challenges when it comes to their wastewater treatment, as there are so many factors that can affect the quality. To understand everything clearly, Aqua Arabia offers free water analysis tests. In this way, you will be able to establish the purity of the water you already have and can offer them the best solution required to achieve their water quality target.