Aqua Arabia

Sewage Treatment System (STP)

Sewage Treatment System (STP)

What do you understand about the Sewage Treatment Plant and how it works?

The sewage treatment plant operates by circulating air to encourage the growth of good bacteria to break down the sewage. At Aqua Arabia, our goal is to deliver as much clean water as we can in a friendly environment. In the sewage treatment system, we use a typical septic tank but with some differences. Depending on the size of the treatment plant, we become able to treat the waste of the number of commercial or residential dwellings.

What stages do we follow in the sewage treatment Process?

At Aqua Arabia we followed enlisted procedures in the stepwise order for achieving the desired results:-

Screening and pumping: – during the screening and pumping phase, we remove the objects like wood bits, grease or plastic from the incoming wastewater with the help of high-end machinery. After this, the extracted material is then cleaned and pressed before ending up in the landfill. Screened wastewater then enters into the grit removal phase.

Grit removal process: – fine yet heavy debris like gravel and sand is removed from the effluent. The derived waste of this phase is thrown at the landfill.

Settling: – Clarifiers also known as large circular tanks used in this process to remove the material that will settle down at the bottom but at a slow pace in comparison to the above-mentioned steps. The settled material in this phase is referring as primary sludge; the wastewater from the top is taken out from the top. While the floating debris is skimmed off from the top and later transported to the digesters with the settled material. At this point, appropriate chemicals are used to eliminate the hard phosphorus.

Activated sludge: – during this step wastewater receives a majority of treatment. Microorganisms are included so that they can absorb the contaminants and convert them into the water, cell tissue or nitrogen via biological breakdown. The activity performed in this step is similar to the action performed at the bottom of the rivers. However, this organic degradation takes up years.

Subsequent settling: – in this step large circular tank that is renowned as secondary clarifiers treat the wastewater by separating the biological waste in the aeration tank, resulting in the formation of effluent that is 90% treated.

Filtration: – in this step effluent is polished and cleared by filtering it through a 10-micron polyester medium. The material that is disposed of on the filter is backwashed and sent to the plant again for treatment.

Disinfection: – The UV disinfection process is used to ensure that the treated water is bacteria and virus free.  UV ray treatment can destroy germs that are left over, allowing us to back into compliance with the discharge permit.

Oxygen uptake: – If essential, then only this step is followed. If the treated water is aerated this step will bring the dissolved oxygen content to the permissible level. Once it is done, the treated water is diluted into the water source.

Treatment of the sludge: – the activated sludge pumped out from the bottom of primary clarifiers is treated at this step to reduce the volume and generate by-products.

What technologies does Aqua Arabia utilize in the sewage treatment plants?

Aqua Arabia has designed the strategic objective of its business focusing on the sustainability of the national economy and environmental system on a long-term basis. According to the Saudi Vision 2030, short-term profitability might be alluring at the first instance but leave a bad impact on the environment.

Here we are going to discuss some prominent STP technology that we commonly use

Activated Sludge Process (ASP):- The activated Sludge process is commonly taken as a means of treating both industrial and sewage wastewater.  This process is carried out in the multi-chamber reactor unit that uses a high concentration of microorganisms to remove dissolved nutrients from the wastewater and result in producing effluent.

Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR):- It is a type of activated sludge process for the treatment of wastewater. Here oxygen is bubbled through the mixture of activated sludge and wastewater to reduce the organic matter. Treated effluent is suitable for discharge on the open surface of the water or the land. Effective technology t less footprint and batch seasonal process.

Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR):- it is an effective biological treatment process based on the effective combination of biofilm media and conventional activated sludge process.  This process enhances the efficiency and capacity of existing wastewater  treatment plants while minimizing the portion size of the deployment also best solution to apply extension and rehalibitation project for old activated sludge plants.

Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR):- MBR is the term that is used to define wastewater treatment processes where perm selective membrane is connected to the system for the biological process. This process is completely different from other membrane use in the treatment step as it provides no return of active biomass to the biological process. And can provide best treated sewage effluent quality. 

According to the Saudi Vision, 2030 sustainability practices are becoming a prominent consideration and at Aqua Arabia, we ensure that we justify them with our operations.