Aqua Arabia


Non-Thermal ZLD

Freshwater scarcity has become a global challenge of our time. It is a prime threat to water security, economic growth and the health of the ecosystem. On the other hand, the challenge of providing safe drinking water has become complicated by the pressure of economic development and climate change. Currently, industrial and public sectors are consuming a large amount of freshwater while producing a similar quantity of wastewater. If untreated wastewater is discharged into the natural surrounding, causing severe pollution that badly impacts public health and aquatic life. Therefore for the recycling and recovery of the wastewater, Aqua Arabia has come up with Non-thermal ZLD technology  or zero liquid discharge technologies that eliminates the liquid waste dissolved in the water, leaving zero discharge at the end of the treatment cycle.

Non-Chemical Disinfection

Disinfection is considered the primary mechanism for the destruction or inactivation of pathogenic organisms to prevent the outbreak of waterborne diseases. This process directly intends to save the environment and people from it. At Aqua Arabia, a non-chemical disinfection system for wastewater treatment. At Aqua Arabia, we prefer UV the new technologies for Non-chemicals disinfection over other systems, such as ozonation and chlorination. This non-chemical disinfection system has low operation costs and capital investment. The maintenance and installation of the system have become much easier. The non-chemical wastewater treatment approach is safe as you don’t need to use or store dangerous toxic, corrosive substances like ozone gas or chlorine.