Aqua Arabia

Water Transmission Pipeline & Strategic Water Tanks

Water Transmission Pipeline & Strategic Water Tanks

Aqua Arabia is involved in the process of discharge freshwater coming from wells and infiltered basins into an aquifer for creating a subsurface water supply that can be used later. It is called strategic water tanks, that is widely used to serve emergency needs at the time of crisis, long term or seasonal requirement for fresh water. Saudi Arabia relies on the desalination of seawater for meeting its freshwater needs. This process supports economic security and sustainable development in the communities. Strategic water tanks are proposed to solve the water crisis in the countries, especially in the areas that are sustaining their needs through public water supplies.

How does water transmission pipeline work?

In our water pipeline transmission, we take fresh water from the source, channelize them to strategic water tanks, and then pumped it to the distribution networks for transfer to the companies and housing societies. The high-water pipeline distribution usually requires a huge capital investment and therefore the layout of the distribution network should follow the layout of the road. There are four different types of pipes network such as ring, Grid, dead end and radial system.

Grid Iron system: – It is perfect for cities with rectangular layouts, where the water branches and mains are laid in rectangles.

Ring system: – The main supply is laid all along the sub-mains branches and peripheral roads from the mains. So, it would not be wrong to say that the ring system also follows the grid iron system in the following pattern in the character of the dead-end system. It makes the determination of the pipe’s size easy.

Radial system: – in this water pipeline transmission system, the area is divided into different zones. The water is pumped from the strategic water tank and kept in the middle of the supply pipes and each zone, that is radially reached at the periphery.

Dead End system: – This water pipeline transmission system is highly ideal for old cities and towns that are not having a definite pattern of road.

Our concept of strategic water tanks and water transmission pipeline is widely accepted in Saudi Arabia for producing a positive impact on the environment in comparison to other solutions applicable in arid regions.